product animation china sunbedThis product animation 3d project, involved the creation of the highly popular - "Sunbed China" based products. The client had a catalogue of around 20 products, with 5 variants in the colours of the models, and 3 variants in the types of tanning bed lights. A UV based light, a collagen red light model and the standard blue light variant. This meant creating in excess of 50 different catalogue items. Each Sunbed, was then rendered, from a top, right, left and side views. The challenge with this project, was that the only reference available, was the catalogue supplied by the wholesaler. Therefore we had to work to find reference sources, of the product from the internet wherever availble.

The 3d models of the China sunbeds were then modelled using Rhino, to a high degree of accuracy. The resultant models were then rendered with VRay, to produce photoreal renders for catalogue purposes. This project was a learning experience in and of itself, highlighting issues with vray, which were documented in a blog post here.

The next steps would have been to take the Sunbed China 3d models, and create an interactive experience in VR, or even AR, but that has not been a step that the client has deemed necessary based on their target audience.