Design blog
Vray for 3dsmax Matte Shadow option - Product rendering
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So I was recently on a product rendering project where I needed to use Vray for 3DSMax, specifically looking at the Matte shadow option. The project involved the creation of 3d models, which would then be rendered photorealistically, for the purposes of an online shop. The client required all the renders on a white background, for uniformity. All in all, it was 11 product lines, with 3 to 5 variants in colours, and then 3 variants, in the component parts. So around 150+ products, and 7 renders were required for each one.
In order to completethings to a decent level of quality, and within the specified time frame, I decided to give VRay's Matte shadow feature a try. While it works great in theory, the results were different in practice.
See more details of the project and workflow here:
Read more: Vray for 3dsmax Matte Shadow option - Product rendering
3DSMax 2018 to Blender 2.82 [2020]
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This piece covers a series of tutorials on how to transition, or begin, with 3dsmax to Blender 2.82. The methodology, is to take the workflow and tools found in 3dsmax and apply them to Blender 2.82. The challenge when learning something like Blender as a max user, more than understanding the functionality of the package, is to understand the tools. Their particular way of working and their quirks. Blender, as an opensource tool, has seen a large change to the User Interface with the upgrade to 2.8 series.
Even though there is an extensive amount of learning material on Blender freely available online, and in the form of some very good paid content. This upgrade and changes to the UI, mean, that alot of the tool settings have been moved or changed.
As a caveat to any readers/viewers, I do not claim to be an expert at Blender, I do have 15 years experience working with 3d software, so understand workflows and tools.
I have structured this series of tutorials, in a way that would allow a 3dsmax user, to gain an understanding, of the core tools that would allow one, to begin to get a basic grasp of blender, in a series of short tutorials. Their next step should be to seek out experts in the Blender community, to further their knowedge.
This piece consists of the following tutorials and sections:
- 3D Navigation and viewport
- Selection Tools
- Transform Tools
- Object Creation
- Pivots and the coordinate System
- Component level pivots
- The 3D Cursor in Blender
- Align Tools and Units setup
- Basic Polygon Modelling (Box Modelling)