You open up unreal Engine and are greeted with the message: "Unreal Engine: A resolution of 2048 will require 256MiB of video memory PER reflection capture component. Are you sure?"
I searched for a solution to this issue but couldn't find a solution online.
I'm running unreal on a system with a NVIDIA GT730 2GB card. The issue is probably caused by the fact that my hardware and memory are not sufficient, to support reflection capture cators set at 2048MB. I created 4 in thescene and my screen was lit up with warnings and my system slowed down significantly.
To resolve the issue go to:
- Project settings
- Rendering
- Reflection capture resolution
- Drop it down to a number more suitable to your system requirements
Once you do this, you can add more reflection captures to the scene, and things run fine.
In 3d reflections only need to be highly accurate on mirror/glass surfaces. All other reflections in the real world have some degree of glossiness, or blur. So from a visual stand point dropping this resolution down from 2048 should not adversely affect your scene. Every shader in offfline renders like VRay, Arnold or even Redshift. Contains a reflection glossiness parameter. Refelcetion glossiness, or uneveness and blur is critical to realism.
If your system allows it. Go with 2048MB in terms of reflection captures. In my opinion dropping this down, still gives a realistic result.
I hope this helps anyone, facing this issue.