The goal with these environmental concepts was to create a piece that captured the serenity that the premise of the app promised, while, attaining the frame rate requirements for a VR app running on the Oculus Quest 2 headset.
The approach adopted was to block out and create a high res environment in Blender. which can be seen below. I did try and then create another concept exclusively in unity, using the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) system, but this did not hit the frame rate requirement. My final avenue was to use optimisation techniques to create something using the Universal Render Pipeline.
Bamboo Grove Walking Path - High Res in Blender
The concept was created with Blender, and onyx. Geometry nodes were used to populate the environment. This render is from Blender Cycles. Final composite with Nuke. This will be optimised for Unity for VR.
Alternative concept created using HDRP in Unity
I created this concept using Unity's native terrain editor, and a 3rd party tool for instancing and populating it with vegetation. This unfortunately fell far short of allowing me to hit the frame rate requirements set out by Oculus for the Quest 2. In the end I had to opt for URP, and think of how to really simplify the concept, to enable smooth running on the Quest 2. This was achieved below.
VR prototype of Satori concept in URP
The geometry was optimised, in terms of keeping polygon counts down, atlasing textures, using the relevant maps created in substance. This is a quick capture from my Quest2, not the best quality, its a basic prototype that I will work on further. All intearctions created using the XR interaction toolkit, and C# programming in which I am a total novice, but managed to get something going.